When the Sadducees challenged Jesus about the resurrection, (Luke 20:27-40) they had the same characteristics of those who teach false doctrine and those who don’t even believe in God.

Jesus teaching in the Temple, from the book Standard Bible Story Readers, Book Five (1928) Authors O. A. Stemler and Bess Bruce Cleaveland
- They made up a ridiculous situation (even if it was possible)
- They were setting out to trap the believer
- They were using Scripture out of context
- They had no response when they received an informed answer
So much of what those that believe in error and nonbelievers think can be attributed to a pure lack of study. No matter what category of wrong people fall into, they are all guilty of not giving honest effort to trying to find the truth.
In the parallel account of this event, (Mathew 22:22-33) Matthew records Jesus calling it like it is:
You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. – Matthew 22:29
As a whole, the Jews got caught up in all the lore and procedure and forgot to study their Scriptures. No wonder they didn’t understand everything the Lord came to teach!
When we decide not to give God’s word enough study, we lose our opportunity to save some of these folks from the same fate. So many people that claim to not believe justify it behind ridiculous scenarios like the Sadducees did.
Most importantly … Let’s study more so we don’t fall into the same trap!
Daily Bible reading for September 28
Psalm 58
2 Samuel 17:24-18:33
Ezekiel 19
Luke 19:47-20:44
September 28, 2013
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