Archive | May 24th, 2013

Deciding How to Give

May 24, 2013


We are almost exactly six months from “Black Friday” so it seems like a good time to have a refresher on the spirit of giving. Giving is a subject that to some, is highly personal and sensitive. Some preachers even have a hard time talking about it from the pulpit.

While the Bible teaches us to be liberal givers, there is some amount of balance required. Solomon stressed a strong work ethic (Proverbs 21:25-26) because of the folly of idleness. Paul taught us to do good for all (Galatians 6:10), but gave a warning in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 to not be careless in our giving, thus allowing some to “work the system”. There are a number of reason why:

  • Idleness is a sin and the recipient is not motivated to work
  • The giver becomes an accomplice to the idleness
  • The truly needy lose out
  • Idleness spreads through the community as a way of life

probably worst of all, the spirit of giving is stretched thin when idle people are encountered claiming they are needy.

Paul advised us not to become weary of doing good (2 Thessalonians 3:13) and Solomon taught that generosity creates blessing (Proverbs 22:9).

Sooooo … How do we balance our charity since there is no quick and easy formula for learning how? Perhaps we gain wisdom from the actual practice of generous giving.

Daily Bible reading for May 24

Psalm 143
Numbers 28-29
Isaiah 66
2 Thessalonians 3:6-18

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