Archive | May 4th, 2013

No Fear

May 4, 2013

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Paul wasn’t afraid of getting out and mixing it up with others when it came to delivering the word of God. He even looked upon his jail time as a chance to make others aware of the Gospel. (Philippians 1:12-13)

Those outside of Christ pay a lot of attention to Christians – both when they stumble and when they stick to their commitment. I have demonstrated time and time again that it is easy to influence an office full of coworkers to not use cuss words. It can be done silently and with respect.

It would sure help if we could be perfect, but Paul’s instructions are attainable even though we are not. Living a life worthy of the Gospel is how we are able to stand firm against opposition. (Philippians 1:27-30) Your lack of fear speaks volumes.

No matter what that opposition is, they will see through us they are in the wrong – well, at least they might become aware that there is a lot more meaning to this life. Perhaps that is why they are urgently trying to block believers from teaching.

Daily Bible reading for May 4

Roll call – the sons of Aaron and their duties. Isaiah comforts God’s people and speaks of God’s greatness. Paul encourages the Philippians about the advance of the Gospel despite his situation.

Psalm 123
Numbers 3-4
Isaiah 40
Philippians 1

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