Archive | May 11th, 2013

Deep Roots Matter

May 11, 2013

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I have spent a lot of time trying to grow grass in my yard. I eventually discovered that the top soil was very thin and under that soil, was solid red clay. Since the roots couldn’t get deep in the ground, they were suspect to the sun, cold and harmful bugs. The answer was to support the grass in a way that it could break through the clay and establish a solid base.

Paul wanted his fellow Christians to put down deep roots of study and practice of God’s word. Those that haven’t fully matured are suspect to being drawn away by smart sounding or persuasive people. Human traditions might have the ring of authority. Sometimes simple lies do the dirty work. (Colossians 2:8)

The world has always been a tough place for God’s people to live. With Christ’s help, the way has been made easier. A routine of study, a habit of solid worship and gathering frequently with those who have the same heavenly goals will establish those deep roots we need to survive what the world brings.

See also The Parable of the Sower in Mark 4:3-9

Daily Bible reading for May 11

Psalm 130
Numbers 10:11-36
Isaiah 48-49
Colossians 2:6-23

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