…many will seek to enter … Luke 13:24
Jesus taught some hard lessons.
We probably need to hear more about those hard lessons. Jesus told us that getting into heaven is as easy as squeezing through a narrow door. In fact he told us to “strive” to get through.
Luke 13:22-30 should at the same time encourage us to keep working toward our goal and to stay concerned over being able to enter that narrow door.
Why strive? Because on the other side:
- we have citizenship (Philippians 3:20)
- we have treasure laid up (Matthew 6:20)
- we have hope there (Hebrews 6:19)
- we will see the Lord (John 14:1-3)
Whatever trials, or temptations, or effort, or needs we have to struggle with, it will all be worth it in the end.
But that’s the side of the story we always hear.
What about the tough lessons? What about the danger of failing? Jesus’ point here was that despite the teachings above, many are not going to enter at all!
Many are going to do nothing thinking they are already safe – waiting all the way until they hear the door close before they investigate. (Luke 13:25) But he says he won’t even acknowledge them at that point.
There’s more too:
- some are even waiting until the door shuts on purpose. Procrastination is dangerous (2 Corinthians 6:2)
- some are being too casual – remember Jesus said “strive” (Luke 13:24)
- some are trying to bring old baggage with them, never fully repenting
- some are simply too proud (1 Peter 5:6)
So many will be caught short because they have listened to the “easy” lessons. Jesus will not recognize them because they listened to outsiders.
That sounds like me, what do I do?
It is said that there are two perfect times to plant a tree: twenty years ago and today.
Now is the time to be on our way to the “narrow gate.” If you haven’t started yet, get started now!
Question: What are some ways you can move from your current place toward spiritual maturity?
April 11, 2014
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