The parable of the Mustard Seed – An etching by Jan Luyken illustrating Mark 4:30-32 in the Bowyer Bible, Bolton, England.
It’s okay to start small.
There are very few overnight successes. When we do think we have witnessed an overnight success, it usually turns out that there were years of sacrifice and preparation.
Small is exactly the place we’re supposed to start a project, and the Kingdom of God is no exception. Jesus told us as much in The Parable of the Mustard Seed. (Luke 13:18-19) Small is often discouraging – and that is what Satan wants it to be.
But …
…in a small group, a better foundation can be laid for growth through training.
…in a small group, stronger bonds can be formed between the members.
…in a small group, agreements are easier to reach without compromises.
Explosive growth in the Lord’s church would be difficult to sustain without preparing a large number of sound elders, deacons, teachers and preachers. What would your congregation do if 300 people of varying denominational backgrounds started attending within a month of each other?
It would be exciting at first, but then reality would set in as we realized the infrastructure to support and teach them is not ready. Use the time you have being small to prepare to suddenly be big.
What if the mustard seed sower planted it in the little bed next to his house rather than out in the field?
The next time you are tempted to be discouraged about attendance or participation of the church. think about how Jesus started with 12 good men and changed the world.
April 9, 2014
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