Archive | April 24th, 2014

The First Priority of Leaders

April 24, 2014

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Christ Taking Leave of the Apostles - ~1310 - Duccio (1260–1318)

Christ Taking Leave of the Apostles – ~1310 – Duccio (1260–1318)

Power and position.

People have a natural disposition toward being the one in charge.

The apostles were no different. While they still had a misunderstanding of what Christ’s kingdom was going to look like, they were jockeying for high office within it. (Luke 22:24-30)

Christ doesn’t want leaders like that.

Leaders serve.

Leaders put themselves last.

Leaders suffer difficulty.

Leaders in the church have plenty of opportunity to fail. They are usually challenged every time they make a decision. Every decision makes someone angry.

It is no wonder that Paul said they deserve a double portion of honor! (1 Timothy 5:17)

Leadership done right in the Lord’s church is not about the position. It is about the souls they preside over. The Bible compares them to the shepherd protecting his flock.

When we seek to be Christian leaders, let’s be those that seek to wield the power as servants. Leaders that influence others toward salvation…

… Leaders that put the Lord and others first.

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