Archive | August 9th, 2013

Remembering to Trust God

August 9, 2013

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Do you think Jesus finds it maddening that his followers forget to trust God during the tough times?

Trust God

Trust God to bring us peace

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt, 1632.

Jesus asked his followers twice why they worried when the storm came up and caught them in their boats. (Matthew records the question before he calmed the storm and Mark 4:35-43 records it after.) The comfort we can have from just knowing that Christ wants us to call on the Master for help is there just for us. There is usually a bigger plan working and we have to trust God to see us through.

That is not to say we will never be challenged a little beyond our ability to handle the situation. He wants us to experience trials like the stormy sea for the growth and experience it gives us. (James 1:2-4) Sometimes it is even for the reason of exposing a weakness we have. Paul gave us in 2 Cor. 11:23-30 a list of challenges he had to endure and survived. It wasn’t to brag about his strength and manliness – it was to

boast of the things that show my weakness. – 2 Corinthians 11:30b

Those weaknesses are what reminds us that we need God! Remember to trust God and talk to him daily.

Daily Bible reading for August 9

Psalm 7
Judges 19
Jeremiah 35
Mark 4:35-5:43

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