The Baptism of the Eunuch – 1626 –
Rembrandt (1606–1669)
The account of the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-39) is a reminder of how rich the Bible is in content. We could spend a lifetime in the book and not master the lessons it is able to teach us. Take a look at just some of the takeaways that this passage gives us about Christianity:
Christianity is learned
The Eunuch asked, “How can I unless someone guides me? (Acts 8:31)
It’s true. God meant for is word to be studied, but most importantly – taught. One of the key verses I pivot a lot of my posts on in this blog is 2 Timothy 2:2. In that one verse, four generations of teachers are described.
Let’s face it, while the basic gospel plan of salvation is simple to follow, the Bible has some difficult content that needs to be learned and then taught. The essence of the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is Teach – Baptize – Teach.
Christianity has been the plan from the beginning
Philip found the Eunuch reading from the book of Isaiah. (Acts 8:32-33 = Isaiah 53:7-8) A passage talking about the crucifixion! The Jews missed it then and today’s Jews still deny that passage is about Jesus.
We know from John 1 that God’s word was uttered in the beginning and Christ became that word.
We might not ever fully understand the full impact of that, but God’s plan is and always was in full effect.
Christianity cannot wait
Once the Eunuch understood what was required for his salvation, he asked to stop and fulfill it at the very next opportunity. (Acts 8:36-38)
We are not promised tomorrow…
Almost saved still equals lost …
Something to keep in mind whether we are currently the teacher or the student.
Christianity is a joy
After the Eunuch was baptized, he went on his was rejoicing. He understood in that moment that the blood of Christ had paid for his sins. What’s not to like about that?
Keep studying!
As we continue building a habit of reading and re-reading the Bible, remember to look deeper and deeper into the passages for more of what God was trying to tell us.
June 26, 2014
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