The effort behind this website is lead by me, Butch Adams. I am currently serving as a deacon at the White Rock church of Christ in Dallas, Texas. I have also served as an elder at the Dale Ridge church of Christ near Roanoke, Virginia. In both of these duties, I have concentrated my attention to the area of education – both in outreach to seekers through the Internet and inside the congregations for ongoing Bible scholarship.
I obeyed the gospel almost 40 years ago. Even after all that time I find it challenging to maintain a habit of spending time with God through reading the Bible. As an attempt to develop a habit of meditation, spend time with God’s word and prayer, I have put this site together as a place to record what I am reading and thinking each day.
Why is this important?
There are many things competing for our attention. The things we think about is what we ultimately become. Paul knew this because he says in Philippians 4:8 –
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Earl Nightingale said in his famous speech “The Greatest Secret” that our minds are like a fertile field. The field doesn’t care what you plant in it. It will return nightshade, a deadly poison, just as readily as corn. Our minds in the same way will return exactly what we plant in it. Therefore, the way we get what we want out of life it to think about it, plan for it and take action on it.
The primary goal for this work then, is to collect new and classic material into one place to discuss and share among all who wish to plant good things in their mind on purpose.
The site is laid out so that you can:
- get today’s reading for the “Read the Bible in a year” program.
- memorize a passage.
- share something worthy of planting in our “fertile field”.
My commentary and devotional articles are not intended to replace your reading the Bible selections for the day. In fact I’d rather you read your Bible first and then look at the thoughts I recorded after my own reading. Challenge yourself to look at what you’ve read and get to the bottom of its meaning.
Usage Permission
We are happy to grant permission for items on My Daily Pause to be reproduced in their entirety, as long as the following stipulations are observed:
- My Daily Pause or Butch Adams must be designated as the original publisher
- The specific My Daily Pause web site URL must be noted
- The author’s name must remain attached to the materials
- Any references, footnotes, or endnotes that accompany the article must be included with any written reproduction of the article
- Alterations of any kind are strictly forbidden (e.g., photographs, charts, graphics, quotations, etc. must be reproduced exactly as they appear in the original)
- Articles, in whole or in part, may not be offered for sale or included in items offered for sale
- Articles may be reproduced in electronic form for posting on web sites pending they are not edited or altered from their original content and that credit is given to My Daily Pause, including the web location from which the articles were taken.