Archive | November 27th, 2013

The Creator of All Things

November 27, 2013


[This is part two of a deeper study of the article 7 Reasons Christ is King. To get better context and a link to the other parts, you can click there and read it first.]

Hebrews says that through Christ, God created the world. (Hebrews 1:2) This credential of Christ is a human right that has never been challenged in the history of man. Whatever one creates is his, by law, by courtesy, and common sense. That said, we can prove Christ as the creator very easily.

  • In Colossians 1:16-17 we see that Paul fully understood Christ to be God. In these verses he says that Christ is the Creator of the universe, he was the sole end of his own work, he was prior to all creation, and he is the preserver of all things.
  • John 1:3 credits Christ with creation. Nothing is possible except through him.
  • Genesis 1:26 says that man was made in “our” image. There was an understanding of the existence of the Godhead even from the beginning.
  • John 17:5 records Jesus remembering the glory he felt with God before the beginning.

As Creator, his authority is absolute. Those who turn away from him, like those Hebrews the letter is written to, are turning away from the only one who offers salvation.

Part 3: God in the Flesh

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