Archive | March 14th, 2013

God is Great, God is Good

March 14, 2013

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God is Great,
God is Good,
Let us thank Him for our food.
By His hands we all are fed,
Give us Lord our Daily Bread.

Adults tend to forget the simplicity and core truth of this children’s mealtime prayer.

Like the author of Psalm 73, we might question the prosperity of the ungodly. Many stumble completely away from God because of the question.

The writer wants us to remember that this life is not about this life. It is ALL about the next life and the preparation to get there. If we remember the prosperity enjoyed by many in this is temporary, we can focus on the real reward waiting for us after the judgment.

Just like the lovely ending of the Psalm says, (Psalm 73:28) our time here is to tell others about him:

But for me it is good to be near God;
I have made the Lord GOD my refuge,
that I may tell of all your works.

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