Tag Archives: Judgment

A Righteous Judge

January 13, 2013

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Uzzah laid his hands on the Ark of the Covenant and was struck down. (1 Chronicles 13) He was trying to save it from falling, but God had commanded that only a person from the tribe of Levi could touch the ark. (Numbers 1:51, Numbers 4:15) Even though he was angry at first, David realized that God is a righteous judge.

It is an error to think that God will not keep his word when our judgment is due.

David made a mistake we don’t have to make. He forgot to make sure he knew how to obey God’s word.  Even though he had the best of intentions, he paid for it through the loss of a good man.

In addition to daily Bible reading, do you set aside time to really get to know the word?

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