Archive | July 26th, 2013

Bible Reading: Start With Jude

July 26, 2013

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Tonight a group from my church will meet for another Biblepalooza. I have written about it before, but we call it Biblepalooza to contrast our love for God’s word against the worldly activities that use up our time. These are some long sessions of Bible reading and it is an exercise just to be prepared mentally and physically to sit through it.

Diligent Bible Reading

In our quest to be at home with God one day, we’ll have plenty of opportunity to fall away – to leave the path of that quest. Just like the Jews that were denied entry to the Promised Land, our disobedience and weakness of faith can keep us out. (Hebrews 3:16-19) God has given us his word so we can learn through diligent study how to avoid being “…tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine….” (Ephesians 4:11-14)

It is through this word that our faith grows. (Romans 10:17)

Stacks of Book for Bible Reading

There is nothing like extensive study of the knowledge in God’s word

In our age of instant gratification, we have a hard time waiting. We hate having to put a great deal of effort into anything. This has sadly gotten into our churches and caused Christians to pass on serious or extended Bible reading. We have been tricked into believing that Google will give us all the answers on demand.

God expects a bit more effort than that. To get to that promised rest, we have to stay on top the knowledge he wants us to have. God’s word has a way of laying us open and exposing the blemishes that would cause his rejection of us. (Hebrews 4:11-13)

I put this site together as a way to help build a daily habit of Bible reading and study. Whether it be a few minutes or an hour or more, I want us all in the word daily…


We need even more. We need to set time aside for an occasional extensive reading. Nothing gets you plugged into what a book of the Bible is trying to teach you than to read it in one sitting.

Our group’s Biblepalooza is one way of doing that. If you don’t have access to something like that, find another way. Do it with your family. Do it by yourself. Just do it.

The more you do, though, the more you want.

If you have to, start with Jude, and work backwards through the books. (In case you never noticed, the epistles are arranged longest to shortest) Once you get the thrill of reading a complete book, you will be ready for the longer ones.

Friends, Be Diligent. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Daily Bible reading for July 26

Song 4:9-5:1
Judges 5
Jeremiah 21
Hebrews 3:7-4:13

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